Thursday, September 13, 2012


Post an idea that you got from looking at professional examples (and post what professional example that it came from!).
An idea I got from looking at other students interviews is the set up Adriana used in her interview. She bolded her answers. She was clearly able to show ho was talking and I hope that I could do that to my interview. 

Post an idea that you got from looking at professional examples (and post what professional example that it came from!).
 An idea I got from looking at a professional interview is what was in the article. In Julian Assange Rolling Stones interview the article provided background information on who Julian Assange. But they added the setting before the interview. They described the way Julian looked and what was happening around the house he lived in. They also told us the location of the interview. They also included the setting and environment in the Barack Obama Rolling Stones interview.

Post a challenge that you are working on—what is giving you some trouble?
One major problem I am having while working on the interview is that I am having trouble getting the time zones correct. It states that Suharto the dictator who passes the laws that limits the admittance of minorities into medical school came into power in 1968 buy my grandma tried to become a doctor in 1958.  So either my grandma got the dates wrong or Suharto passed the laws before he came into power. Also I cannot find when the laws were passed. Indonesia has a very corrupt government and not all facts about it will be correct. Indonesia has secrets hidden and won't admit to them, so finding exact information on the internet that is reliable will be very difficult 

Post something has gone well so far.
One thing that has gone well for me during this project is how efficient i am getting my work done. I have been ahead of the schedule for all the work Randy assigned us before he left. I have been able to finish the classwork and homework in class and all i would have for homework is to continue reading the book.  

Post something that surprised you while working on your interview, article, etc.
One thing that surprised me was how much extra information I have to included in the interview so the reader will understand what I am saying. Terms I know very well and easy talk to my family about is confusing to a reader. 

Post something you that you are proud of.
What I am very proud of is my interview. I did not like the idea of interviewing my grandma about politics. My family isn't very fond of politics so I was worrying that I would not be able to get any information out of my grandma. But I am proud that my questions opened up my grandma and she told me how she grew up.  

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